WVU Libraries
(304) 293-0355
The WVU Libraries encompasses seven libraries: the Downtown Campus Library, Evansdale Library, Health Sciences Library (Morgantown), Law Library, Health Sciences Library (Charleston), Mary F. Shipper Library at Potomac State College, Beckley Library at WVU Institute of Technology, and West Virginia and Regional History Center. Our collections include more than 1.8 million books, 400,000 eBooks, and 117,000 eJournals.
Art in the Libraries develops exhibits and related programming in the Downtown Campus Library, Evansdale Library, and Health Sciences Library highlighting the creative endeavors and scholarship of WVU faculty, staff, and students, reaching across the University, the region, and the broader academic community. Art in the Libraries promotes discovery, innovation, and sustainability; models diversity and inclusion; and demonstrates how art, libraries and scholars encourage the community to explore, reflect, and discuss what they encounter in the WVU Libraries.
Visit https://wvu.libcal.com/hours for current hours.
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