Join WVAM for our annual conference held virtually this year March 22-26th.
The theme of this year’s conference is the theme “Stayin’ Alive: Sustainability, Relevance, and Culture.” Each year, we see museums, large and small, scale back their operations or close their doors entirely due to challenges with sustainability and being relevant to their communities. In the past year, these challenges have been heightened by the COVID-19 crisis. With this conference, we intend for our sessions to offer practical guidance on how to stem the tide and keep museums going strong well into the 21st century.
As this is a virtual gathering, we have reduced our pricing for this year. Member tickets are $40 and non-member tickets are $60. This grants you access to all of the sessions (information, social, and keynote). Register here: https://bit.ly/3qCxo0C
Once registered, we will send you the links for all the online sessions. Attend them all, or just the ones you are interested in! The keynote session will be free for all to attend, regardless of registration.
More information on session offerings and the schedule will be posted on the conference page, www.museumsofwv.org/annualconference, and the facebook event page.
Any questions, please email museumsofwv@gmail.com
Sponsored by Mills Group, LLC and Preservation Alliance of West Virginia.